Da Gulf News del 27/09/2006
Originale su http://archive.gulfnews.com/articles/06/09/27/10070632.html

Israel releases top Hamas official

Nablus: Jailed Palestinian Deputy Prime Minister Nasseredine Al Shaer has been released following an Israeli court order on Wednesday.

The court ordered Shaer to be freed for "lack of evidence" and no charges were brought against him, his lawyer said.

Shaer is the most senior Hamas official to be released since Israel arrested scores of Hamas members following the capture of Israeli soldier, Corporal Gilad Shalit, in late June.

Shaer, who was arrested in August 19 and held in jail in Petah Tikva near Israel's Tel Aviv, was released after appearing before the judge in a police station.

In a telephone interview with Al Jazeera television, Shaer said he had been questioned about his political activities and the fate of Shalit.

Israel arrested more than 60 Hamas officials after Shalit was captured. Twenty-eight members of Parliement, including parliamentary speaker Aziz Dweik, and four cabinet ministers remain in custody.

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