Da RIA Novosti del 16/09/2006
Originale su http://en.rian.ru/world/20060916/53953789.html

Russian parliament speaker on cyber-terrorism, human trafficking

ST. PETERSBURG - Moscow believes the existing international legal base in the sphere of fight against cyber-terrorism is insufficient and adequate legislation is necessary to respond to this threat, the chairman of Russia's State Duma said Saturday.

"We are convinced that there is an objective necessity to develop legislation on the fight against cyber-terrorism," Boris Gryzlov, the head of the lower house of Russia's parliament, said at a meeting of G8 parliamentary speakers. He added that terrorists actively used computers to organize attacks and propagate their ideology.

Gryzlov said he believed the existing international legal base and the Council of Europe convention on cyber-terrorism of 2001 were not sufficient to effectively counter terrorist actions, which, he said, are becoming more sophisticated and large-scale.

"An adequate response is needed here, including through legislation to new challenges of terrorist forces in the computer sphere," he said.

The Russian speaker, who opened the G8 meeting in St. Petersburg, also said the Group of Eight countries should unite efforts to fight human trafficking.

"As for the problem of human trafficking, it acquired a trans-border nature and demands coordinated efforts of G8 countries," Gryzlov said. "We are convinced that G8 parliaments attach great significance to this serious humanitarian problem, and call on our colleagues to contribute to the eradication of this shameful phenomenon in the 21st century through joint efforts."

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