Paul Gilroy

Prof. Universitario − Regno Unito

Paul Gilroy, Professor of Sociology at Goldsmith's College of The University of London, has
contributed a great deal to African diasporic intellectual and political exchange. He is the author of
"There Ain't No Black In The Union Jack", "Small Acts: Thoughts On The Politics of Black Cultures", and "The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double Consciousness." Gilroy insists on attending to the material conditions of Black people and the ways in which Black people have defaced the "clean edifice of white supremacy." Gilroy's writing, like that of Cornel West, maintains a strong ethical core in an historical moment in which ethics are freqeuntly displaced by the glamour of elegant post-structuralist theory.

As a DJ and music journalist, Gilroy's work remains close to the sites of Black popular cultural production. His suspicion towards the practice of understanding Black music as series of "texts" to be appropriated in the service of academic pedantry has resulted in a new critical language which
addresses the complexities of Black music in a way that eclipses the discourses of filmic and literary theory, fields of knowledge which often prove insufficent when "applied" to music. Prof. Gilroy is currently working on a book on bio-politics, revolutionary conservatism, and facism.

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